Why Choose Wallstone?

Why Choose Wallstone?

Wallstone is a customer focused financial planning firm. We are here to help YOU and not to generate profits for some life assurance company.  Our financial advisors are highly qualified and having each worked in industry for over 20 years, they each possess a wealth of experience and expertise in advising clients in financial matters.  Wallstone has very strong business affiliations with a number of established accountancy firms in Limerick.

We provide unbiased, independent financial advice that is customised for you. We offer you advice on all aspects of financial planning and can also arrange financial products from a broad number of product providers. We can help you take control of your finances and offer clear, flexible and transparent solutions.  We can provide you with direction and meaning to your financial decisions

If you are saving for retirement, we can help you put in place a plan to help ensure that you will have enough money when you stop working to maintain your standard of living.  You will have peace of mind knowing that you are saving enough and are making prudent investment decisions.

So you have decided to stop working and have received your pension plan retirement options but cannot navigate through the complexity. As retirement planning experts, we can outline your retirement options in a jargon free manner and then recommend the most appropriate option(s) for you.   We can then recommend and arrange your purchase of an annuity or investment into an Approved Retirement Fund.

If you have money to invest, be it a regular amount or a lump sum, in a pension plan, Approved Retirement Fund or personal wealth, we have a solution. We identify and arrange suitable investments specific to your requirements as cost and tax-efficient as possible.

We can help you identify potential risks to your financial security and the potential risks to your family and business and help you take precautionary steps to control the financial impact by having appropriate protection cover in place e.g.  life assurance both personal and for your business and income protection for you.

If you need help in planning your finances and cannot work out if you will have enough money,  for example,  to retire or pay for University Fees at a future date . We can help you by setting out a financial road-map for you which will show you where your financial position needs to be and how best to get there from your current location.  We use cash-flow modelling software to better illustrate your possible financial future and address and plan for potential shortcomings.


Financial Case Study


Wallstone Case Study picture

Tom & Betty worked hard, very hard. But then they enjoyed the lifestyle which they had created for themselves and their daughters Emma and Kate.

Tom was 45 and he had a plan - his own financial plan. Because Tom hated three things:

  • His mortgage.
  • Pensions.
  • But most of all, financial advisers!

So Tom's plan was simple - to pay off his mortgage as quickly as possible. Then, mortgage free, he intended to accumulate as much as possible via his business between 45 and 55 - so he could retire early.


Tom didn't think he had a problem. And he didn't need any 'advice'.

However, on the advice of his accountant he was recommended to speak with a Certified Financial Planner at Wallstone to 'crunch his Number'.

So he & Betty met with one of our Certified Financial Planners.

First the Certified Financial Planner spent some time getting to know Tom and Betty, then he helped them tune in to the real lifestyle they wanted to enjoy throughout their life. He also wanted to understand why '55' was so important?

Tom wanted to escape at age 55 and pursue his passion of sailing whilst he was still young enough, and fit enough to participate in it. He wanted to cruise the Med. He wanted to cross an ocean. Any ocean. Tom wanted to see the world. He wanted to 'do stuff' – 'before it's too late!'

But why 55?

Tom shared with the Certified Financial Planner the fact that his father had worked his whole life, right through to age 65, only to drop down dead at age 67. That was Tom's motivator. He could not bear the thought of that happening to him. He knew - and understood - that 'Life is NOT a rehearsal' and Tom lived it accordingly. That's why Tom worked so hard now, so he could 'escape' early.

So, understanding his clients, our Certified Financial Planner said he would work with Tom and Betty to calculate their Number – the amount of money they needed by age 55 to ensure they could live the life they wanted - without fear of ever running out of money.

Our Certified Financial Planner built in the cost of continuing private education for Emma and Kate. He built in the cost of two daughters weddings. He got Tom & Betty to really think about the lifestyle they wanted at various stages of their lives.

And then he crunched their Number.

Our Certified Financial Planner then broke the news. He explained, that on agreed assumptions, Tom & Betty's current plan - Tom's' plan - would see them running out of money by age 67! Not good.

So our Certified Financial Planner then helped Tom & Betty to understand just HOW MUCH they needed to accumulate by age 55 in order to prevent EVER running out of money whilst living the life they wanted.

It was a BIG NUMBER.

Our Certified Financial Planner then worked with Tom & Betty to help find ways of accumulating the money, including how they could utilise their greatest asset (their business) to build their Number.

Tom & Betty are now well on course for their Number and their intended retirement at age 55. Tom now has a reason to work hard; a 'WHY'. Tom is motivated. Tom is inspired. Tom knows where he is going.

They continue to meet with our Certified Financial Planner on an annual basis to constantly review their financial planning, to ensure they stay on track. For Tom & Betty our Certified Financial Planner plays various roles; that of a planner, a mentor and a coach, mostly inspiring but sometimes nagging Tom & Betty to do the things they need to do to get to where they want to go.

And that's easy to do – when you know your Number.


Tel.      +353 61 312744
email.  financial@wallstone.ie

Mantra Consultants Ltd. t/a Wallstone Financial Planning is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland

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